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Is Your Child 'Losing their Cool' During Competition? 

You watch in disbelief that you sweet kid gets triggered by a bad call or mistake on the field.

There is no reason why you have to suffer watching your athlete be so anxious and fall apart after after a tough loss. 

Especially if you've been investing in their sports journey to be the best! 

Coaching athletes who are over emotional and anxious doesn't have to be your job.  We help athletes focus on what's in their control and lower anxiety using mindfulness tools without having to spend years talking to a therapist.  

I realized there are simple tools to help athletes play consistently and feel less stressed so they can have fun again playing the sport they love!

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Confident Athlete Mindset Course

Book Online for 2025 Courses

This 4-week online course teaches Athletes (13-18) in a small group setting. If your athlete is done with the mental blocks holding them back then join us for our 2025 Confident Athlete Mindset Course! Your child will learn how to better manage your emotions, feel less nervous and overcome the fear of mistakes. These essential strategies will improve their performance on the field, in the classroom and in all areas of their life. 

Spots Available!

Baseball Team
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Your Words Matter! 

As parents, we know our words have a huge impact.  We want to see our athletes have fun, be confident, and play through their mistakes. 

Have you ever paid attention to the words you use to coach and support your son or daughter?  Because they matter! They ultimately become their inner dialogue. On the court. In practice. Throughout their entire life.   Here are simple things you can say before matches that lets them know you love them no matter what!  

"Play your best. Have fun. I love you!"

"I'm excited to watch you play today!" 

"I love you; show them what you got!"

"Play hard, have fun, take risks!"​​

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