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Activate a Competitor's Confidence and Lock-in more consistently with mindfulness.
Play with greater composure, body-awareness, and resilience.



Are you ready to take your game to the next level? If you're done with the mental blocks holding your back then join us for our  Confident Athlete Mindset Course. You'll learn how to better manage your emotions, feel less nervous and overcome the fear of mistakes. Lead Instructor and former International Athlete Robyn Kenney will teach you the how to stay calm under pressure and play your game consistently. The group size will max out at 12 people for small group discussions.

This course uses the Mindfulness Institute's for Emerging Adults Curriculum developed by Duke University. 

It is proven to be a cost-effective, simple solution for people suffering high levels of stress or performance anxiety. This course is tailored for athletes between 13-21 years old.

All courses are virtual live sessions. They include an App and Book   build a resilient mindset.  Attending all four classes and doing a daily practice is required. 


"All the mindfulness tools my team and I got helped me feel more confident on the field.  It's easy to focus and have fun even when it's a tough game. "

Class of 2024


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Students reported feeling more calm

“I am worrying less and enjoying myself more since starting Koru. I’ve gotten better at staying focused in the present and I don’t feel so stressed all the time.”

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Students improved their mindfulness

“I have found that mindfulness has pervaded my life. On and off I realize that my mind is spinning and it has become much easier for me to take some breaths and bring my mind back to the present.”

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Students felt more rested

“It’s so much easier to fall asleep now that I have techniques for quieting my mind.”

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Students had greater self-compassion

“Before I took Koru, I never noticed how much time I spent lost in negative thoughts about myself. I think the biggest taking Koru is I’m not so hard on myself any more. It makes everything a whole lot easier.”


As a stressed-out college student, I am so grateful that MINDFULNESS has guided me towards a healthier mindset that I know will have effects in all areas of my life.

Taylor James

Meditating in Nature
Mindset Course 


How is Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults Course different from other programs?

Teaches stress-management skills and mindfulness to improve performance

Accommodates the busy schedules of young athletes and parents

Is highly structured with clear goals and metrics 

Is taught in diverse, small groups tailored to athletes coaches and parents

Emphasizes team building and creating leaders

Addresses skepticism and builds motivation to develop a mental game

Connects teachers and students with innovative technology

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